
RBA Asessment Cooperation项目认证证书申请办理

RBA Asessment Cooperation Program

The Assessment Cooperation Program (ACP) allows RBA members to nominate their suppliers for a VAP assessment. Suppliers nominated by members will be approached by RBA staff to conduct a VAP. The results of the assessment will be shared with all of the members that nominated the supplier and were approved by the supplier.

A unique differentiator of the ACP is the custom-question feature of the program. Members can add custom questions to the standard VAP question set. During the .............


东莞至越南货运 越南公司物流 越南物流公司 物流公司越南 越南柬埔寨物流 物流邮寄到越南 10月份最新海关数据公布,出口大涨11.2 CPSC因火灾隐患召回近1.5万件充电宝,亚马逊有售

