建议标题:Arrivals of new xxx products
Dear [First name],
We just launched [Your product]. It's like [Your competitor's product], but better. Competitive Advantage of the Product:
[Unique selling point #1]
[Unique selling point #2]
[Unique selling point #3]
Please contact me for any further information,free samples & prices will be sent for evaluation.
建议标题:Can you direct me to the right person?
Dear [First name]
My name is Mason and I'm with [My company name]
I am writing to you in the hopes of finding the appropriate person who handles sourcing for your company. Would you mind pointing me towards the right person please, and the best way I might get in touch with them?
Thanks in advance,
建议标题:Tired of [pain point]?
Dear [First name]
Glad to hear that you're on the market for xxx products. We specialize in this field for xxx years.
Before working with us on xxx products, some of our clients often face the following challenges:
[Challenge #1][Challenge #2]
Are you experiencing either of these? Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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